Source code for kim.pipelines.base

# kim/pipelines/
# Copyright (C) 2014-2015 the Kim authors and contributors
# <see AUTHORS file>
# This module is part of Kim and is released under
# the MIT License:

from itertools import chain
from functools import wraps

from kim.exception import StopPipelineExecution, FieldError
from kim.utils import attr_or_key, set_attr_or_key, attr_or_key_update

class Session(object):
    """Session objects acts as store for the state passed between
    one pipe method to another.

    Everytime a :class:`kim.field.Field` is marshaled or serialized a session object
    is created for each field that persists across every pipe inside of the fields
    MarsahlingPipeline or SerializationPipeline.

    Each pipe in a pipeline is able to work with the data set by the previous pipe using
    the session object.


        from kim.pipelines.base import pipe

        def odds_evens(session):

            if is not None:
                if % 2:
           = 'evens'
           = 'odds'

    In the example above our pipe changes the data of our pipeline based on the current
    value of

    As well as providing the interface to the data in a fields pipeline, the Session
    object also provides pipes with access to the overal state of that marshaling or
    serialization pipeline.

    __slots__ = ('field', 'data', 'output', 'parent', 'mapper_session', 'nested_mapper')

    def __init__(self, field=None, data=None, output=None,
                 parent=None, mapper_session=None, nested_mapper=None):
        """Construct a new session.

        :param field: an instance of :class:`kim.field.Field` the scope of this session
            is bound too.
        :param data: data that has been passed along the pipeline field marshaling or
            serialization session.
        :param output: An object that contains the output of this fields marshaling
            or serialization session.
        :param parent:  If this is a wrapped field, then the parent kwarg will be a
            referrence to the instance of the field wrapping field.
        :param mapper_session: The overal mapper marshaling or serialization session
            this field session belongs to.
        self.field = field = data
        self.output = output
        self.parent = parent
        self.mapper_session = mapper_session
        self.nested_mapper = nested_mapper

    def mapper(self):
        """Return the :class:`kim.mapper.Mapper` bound to the scope of this Session.

        :returns: The :class:`kim.mapper.Mapper` bound to this Session.
        :rtype: :class:`kim.mapper.Mapper`
        return self.mapper_session.mapper

[docs]def pipe(**pipe_kwargs): """Pipe decorator is provided as a convenience to avoid duplicating logic like not running pipes when is null. :param run_if_none: Specify wether the pipe function should be called if is None. Usage:: from kim.pipelines.base import pipe @pipe(run_if_none=True) def my_pipe(session): do_stuff(session) """ def pipe_decorator(pipe_func): @wraps(pipe_func) def inner(session, *args, **kwargs): if is not None: return pipe_func(session) elif is None and pipe_kwargs.get('run_if_none'): return pipe_func(session) else: return return inner return pipe_decorator
[docs]class Pipeline(object): """Pipelines provide a simple, extensible way of processing data for a :class:`kim.field.Field`. Each pipeline provides 4 input groups, ``input_pipes``, ``validation_pipes``, ``process_pipes`` and ``output_pipes``. Each containing `pipe` functions that are called in order passing data from one pipe to another. Kim pipes are similar to unix pipes, where each pipe in the chain has a single role in handling data before passing it on to the next pipe in the chain. Pipelines are typically ignorant to whether they are marhsaling data or serializing data, they simply take data in one end, this may be a deserialized dict of JSON or an object that's been populated from the database, and produce an output at the other. Usage:: from kim.pipelines.base import Pipeline class StringIntPipeline(Pipeline): input_pipes = [get_data_from_json] validation_pipes = [is_numeric_string] process_pipes [cast_to_int] output_pipes = [update_output] """ input_pipes = [] validation_pipes = [] process_pipes = [] output_pipes = [] __slots__ = () @classmethod def get_pipeline(cls, **extra_pipes): chain = [] chain.extend(cls.input_pipes + extra_pipes.get('input', [])) chain.extend(cls.validation_pipes + extra_pipes.get('validation', [])) chain.extend(cls.process_pipes + extra_pipes.get('process', [])) chain.extend(cls.output_pipes + extra_pipes.get('output', [])) return chain
def run_pipeline(pipeline, session, field, **opts): """ Iterate over all of the defined ``pipes`` for this pipeline. :param parent_session: The field being processed by this Pipeline is wrapped, parent_session will be passed and set on the fields session. :returns: Returns the output of the pipelines session. :rtype: mixed """ # chain all the pipelines pipes together and process them until the all the # pipe groups have been exhausted or until # :class:`kim.exception.StopPipelineExecution` is raised. try: for pipe_func in pipeline: pipe_func(session) return session.output except StopPipelineExecution: return session.output @pipe(run_if_none=True)
[docs]def get_data_from_name(session): """Extracts a specific key from data using ````. This pipe is typically used as the entry point to a chain of input pipes. :param session: Kim pipeline session instance :rtype: mixed :returns: the key found in data using """ # If the field is wrapped by another field then the relevant data # will have already been pulled from the name. if session.field.opts._is_wrapped: return value = attr_or_key(, if value is None: if session.field.opts.required and session.field.opts.default is None: raise session.field.invalid(error_type='required') elif session.field.opts.default is not None: = session.field.opts.default return elif not session.field.opts.allow_none: raise session.field.invalid(error_type='none_not_allowed') = value return
[docs]def get_data_from_source(session): """Extracts a specific key from data using ``field.source``. This pipe is typically used as the entry point to a chain of output pipes. :param session: Kim pipeline session instance :rtype: mixed :returns: the key found in data using field.source """ source = session.field.opts.source # If the field is wrapped by another field then the relevant data # will have already been pulled from the source. if session.field.opts._is_wrapped or source == '__self__': return value = attr_or_key(, source) = value return
[docs]def get_field_if_required(session): if is None: = session.field.opts.default return
[docs]def read_only(session): """End processing of a pipeline if a Field is marked as read_only. :param session: Kim pipeline session instance :raises StopPipelineExecution: """ if session.field.opts.read_only: raise StopPipelineExecution('read_only field') return
[docs]def is_valid_choice(session): """End processing of a pipeline if a Field is marked as read_only. :param session: Kim pipeline session instance :raises StopPipelineExecution: """ choices = session.field.opts.choices if choices is not None and not in choices: raise session.field.invalid('invalid_choice') return
[docs]def update_output_to_name(session): """Store ``data`` at ``field[name]`` for a ``field`` inside of ``output`` :param session: Kim pipeline session instance :returns: None """ session.output[] =
[docs]def update_output_to_source(session): """Store ``data`` at field.opts.source for a ``field`` inside of ``output`` :param session: Kim pipeline session instance :raises: FieldError :returns: None """ source = session.field.opts.source try: if source == '__self__': attr_or_key_update(session.output, else: set_attr_or_key(session.output, session.field.opts.source, except (TypeError, AttributeError): raise FieldError('output does not support attribute or ' 'key based set operations')
@pipe(run_if_none=True) def set_default(session): """If ``data`` is None, set default if it is set. :param session: Kim pipeline session instance :returns: None """ if is None: = session.field.opts.default return